Tree Tiger Box
Asian Arboreals
These are our 3 best selling Asian arboreals in one package. Though there are many Asian arboreals now in the hobby these are the most popular and attractive.
What It Says On The Box:
Species Included:
Mindanao Tree Tiger (Melognathus sp. “South Mindanao”)
New species of Arboreal recently entering the hobby from the Phillipines.
Ackaya Tree Tiger (Phormingochilus sp. “Ackaya”)
Another rarely available Asian Arboreal, beautifully patterned and a must for collectors Old World Spiders.
Singapore Blue (Omothymus violaceopes)
One of the most beautiful arboreal Tarantulas available. In you can imagine a 20cm+ metallic purple / blue spider with long red hairs and pink toes you nearly there!