Theraphosa apophysis
Pink Foot Goliath (7-8cm)
TINTER, 1991
Species Info:
Leg Span
The Pinkfoot Goliath Tarantula is a highly desirable and massive tarantula species! Although the Goliath Birdeater (Theraphosa blondi) is renowned for being the largest spider in the world, some breeders and hobbyists believe otherwise. The Pinkfoot Goliath Tarantula was described 187 years after the Goliath Birdeater, therefore it’s not as well-known. Recently, this species changed from the Pseudotheraphosa genus to the Theraphosa genus. Whether or not it’s the largest tarantula species, the Pinkfoot Goliath Tarantula is still an immense spider, with some specimens recorded up to 13 inches in legspan!
Pinkfoot Goliath Tarantulas are very rarely imported and only occasionally bred. Though they don’t have the thick, chunky legs like T.blondi they do have stripes running down them with pink feet at the end. This fades with age though adults have a noticeable black mask around the eyes. Pinkfoot Goliath Tarantulas are some of the hardest to find tarantulas in captivity and they are quite possibly the largest spiders on earth!