The Devils Tits

Chilobrachys sp.

Product Info:

  • 3 Awesome Chilobrachys
  • 3 Round Jar 570ml
  • 3 Water Bowls
  • 1 Terradisc Coco Fibre Block
  • Cork Bark Hides


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Chilobrachys are heavy webbers making great tunnels and impressive looking Terrariums. They are big and colourful however super fast and aggressive.

One night a C.sp. “Keang Krachen” ran up a female colleagues arm making her scream out the “Devils tits” and the name has stuck whenever we refer to Chilobrachys.

What It Says On The Box:

Species included 

Electric Blue Earth Tiger (Chilobrachys natanicharum)

Unlike your Electric bill this is a gorgeous, heavy webbing species with a blue on the front legs you have to see to appreciate.

Chinese Fawn(Chilobrachys guangxiensis)

This heavy webbing Chinese species is bulkier and bigger than most Chilobrachys; they are also the probably the nastiest making a Cobalt Blue (H.lividum) look rather friendly.

Indian Violet (Chilobrachys fimbriatus)

Probably the prettiest Chilobrachys species there is. Very heavy webbers with a very foul temper.