Psalmopoeus Superstars

Psalmopoeus Species

Product Info:

  • 3 Awesome New World Arboreal’s
  • 3 Round Tubs
  • 3 Water Bowls
  • Terradisc Coco Fibre Block
  • 3 Cork Bark Hides



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Psalmopoeus are hobby classics and are new world arboreals from Central and South America.

What It Says On The Box:

Species Included:

Costa Rican Orange Mouth (Psalmopoeus reduncus)

This tarantula is brown with olive carapace hair and no abdominal pattern. The legs are black but have distinctive widened scopulae like all arboreal spiders.

Darth Maul Spider (Psalmopoeus victorii)

A beautiful large new Psalmopoeus from Mexico entering into Europe for the first time in 2017.

Females are very distinctively colored, with orange and red hairs on the rear half of the tarantula, including the back legs.

Panama Blonde (Psalmopoeus pulcher) 

A relatively new to the hobby Psalmopoeus