Poecilotheria formosa
Salem Ornamental (SAM)
Species Info:





Leg Span


Though one of the smallest species of Poecilotheria it is also one of the most aggressive. It is similar looking to one of the most popular Poecilotheria species – P.regalis, but differs in size and has more contrasting colours. The yellow underside colouration and distal band on femur IV are absent. Specimens from the northeast distribution areas differ from the others with the presence of more contrasting white bands.
It must be kept in an ample arboreal terrarium. A average humidity is needed and is best achieved by using a thick layer of substrate and occasional misting. As with many arboreal species it also important to make sure there is good ventilation. All ornamental tarantulas are good display species and can often be found resting on the walls of the terrarium. Younger spiders prefer to hide and will sometimes dig burrows into the substrate. Spiderlings have a good appetite and grow rather quickly reaching maturity in two years.