My First Spiderlings
Easy Going Species
What It Says On The Box:
Species Included:
Fire Red Birdeater – (Lasiodora difficilis)
Lasiodora difficilis, also known as the Brazilian Fire Red Birdeater, is another easy to care for and quick growing New World Tarantula, similar to Salmon Pinks (L.parahybana) but have more red colouration on their abdomen.
Mexican Red Rump – (Tlitocatl vagans)
Another classic hobby species! An attractive spider that is large heavily bodied with velvet jet black colouration with dense long red setae (hair) on the abdomen making it a stunning display species.
Curly Hair – (Tlitocatl albopilosus)
They are a great first tarantula as they are very easy to keep and grow faster than other Brachypelma and are easier to breed.