Cyriopagopoeus sp. “Big/Black”
Big Black Earth Tiger (AF)
Species Info:





Leg Span


A beautiful Asian Earth Tiger! Females totally justify their common name – robust and velvety jet black with greenish sheen on the carapace just after their moult. This species is a stunning species. This species has been in the hobby a while though captive bred spiderlings are rarely seen. In the wild this species inhabits tropical forested areas where they excavate a deep burrow in the moistened soil, usually the area surrounding the entrance is covered in silk. In captivity it requires a thick layer of humid substrate deep enough to establish the burrow, it is also one of the main factors for successful breeding. You will need to make sure the enclosure is also well ventilated to prevent mold growth.
As with many Asian Tarantulas it is an aggressive and defensive species. There have been more captive breedings in the last few years and spiderlings have a good appetite, grow fast and reach maturity after about 2 years.