Coenobita brevimanus
Indo Giant Hermits (Med)
Species Info:





Leg Span


They are very easy to keep as long as they have a suitable crabitat and become very active in the early evening especially after the enclosure has been sprayed. Keep them at Temperatures around 23/28°C with 60/80% humidity and diet of 70% fruit / veg as well as 30% meat, as a deficiency may induce cannibalism.
Basic Hermit Crab Care Checklist
» Friends- Hermit crabs are social and will get lonely without a friends, best to have at least 3 but the more the better.
» Glass aquarium / Terrarium – 10 gallon is fine but the higher the better.
» Glass cover or screen hood – Help prevent the crabs and humidity escaping.
» Hygrometer – to make sure the tank stays around 70-80% relative humidity.
» Thermometer – to make sure the tank stays around 75-85 degrees F.
» Heat Source: Heat mat or heat lamp connected to a thermostat
» Substrate – Playsand & coco fibre mixed at a ratio of 4:1, at least twice as deep as your largest crab, and kept moist.
» Extra shells – at least 2 of each size needed by your crabs, with round or oval openings the same size as the big pincher – to allow them to grow up, have fun shell-shopping, and to prevent shell fights.
» Food/Water Bowl x 3 – One for Food, One for freshwater and One for Saltwater
» Crushed cuttlebone or calcium-powder sprinkled in the food as a calcium supplement.
» Tap water conditioner that removes chlorine, chloramines, and heavy metals.
» Marine salt – for making salt water maintains the proper salinity of their internal and shell water.
» Decor – such as branches, cork bark, driftwood any they can climb around on.
» Hiding shelters – they need a place to feel safe and relieve stress.
Another alternative instead of an aquarium use a large clear storage box (80ltr) which can obtained around 50-60cm high. You would then need to add ventilation holes and heat the box with a heat mat.