Cheeky Albop…
Curly Hair (1cm)
Species Info:
Leg Span
If your significant other is starting to have some issues with growing collection of Asian Fossorials/Heteropoda/Scolopendra etc… We got your back!!!
Simply pull one of these out the box along with your order and exclaim “Look!!! I got one for you. this way we can both share in this fascinating and wonderful hobby I’m a part of”
It might work… we make no guarantees…
The Curly hair tarantula is a plump-bodied spider, covered with dark brown to black hair. It has a golden-bronze sheen due to longer gold hairs that cover the whole body, which are particularly dense on the hind legs. The range of the Curly hair tarantula stretches along the Atlantic side of Honduras, Nicaragua and north-eastern Costa Rica. A burrowing species, the curly hair tarantula is found in tropical scrubland, either around the base of large trees, near rivers, or in patches of cleared rain forest.
They are a great first tarantula as they are very easy to keep and grow faster than other Brachypelma and are easier to breed.