Big Balls Baboon Box

Pterinochilus edition

Product Info:

  • 3 Awesome African Species (Spiderlings).
  • 3 Enclosures
  • 3 Water Bowls
  • 1 Terradisc Coco Fibre Block
  • Cork Bark Hides


Out of stock


A range of African species they can be fast and super aggressive and are advanced level species. However all are super pretty and heavy webbers and are interesting to keep.

What It Says On The Box:

    • Species included

    Orange Bitey Thing – (Pterinochilus murinus (RCF))

    This is the most popular African Tarantula in the hobby and for good reason. They vary from a beautiful bright orange colour to tan with a starburst pattern covering its body.

    Fort Hall Baboon – (Pterinochilus lugardi)

    A mid sized African Baboon with pale tan colouration. They are very easy to care for and will burrow if enough substrate is available. Easy to keep and breed.

    Unicorn Baboon – (Ceratogyrus marshalli)

    A mid sized species with a big attitude! However an interesting species to keep as it is very active and often burrowing vast amounts substrate, these spiders always seem busy doing something.


Harpactira Pulchripes juveniles available on our website ???? #harpactira #pulchripes #harpactirapulchripes #tarantula #spider

♬ Blade Runner 2049 – Synthwave Goose