Avicularia sp. “Shuriana”
Shuriana Pink Toe (2cm)
Species Info:





Leg Span


A recently discovered species, found in a different region to to the previously sold Huarianas from the “Misahualli, Tena” area.
It follows the same distribution route as the previously sold Huaria “Misahualli, Tena,” and can be reffered to as Avicularia huriana (New locality) or Avicularia spec. “Shuariana.”
Origin of Shuariana: In the Ecuadorian indigenous language, “Shua” means hello. The name combines “Shua” with “hu/riana.” This name originates from the local greeting “Shua” used by the indigenous people and is thought to indicate the species huriana or a closely related species.
This is a typical arboreal Tarantula which needs humid keeping conditions, a vertical arboreal type terrarium with plenty of arboreal retreats like Cork Bark or Bamboo and a water bowl for adults. Such an enclosure must be provided with good ventilation and they like light from above. The enclosure can also be decorated with Artificial plants and a deep layer of substrate to help keep the humidity high enough.
Setup Includes:
- Arboreal Keeper
- Water Bowl
- Substrate
- Cork Bark