Aphonopelma chalcodes
Desert Blondes (SA/A)
Species Info:





Leg Span


A nice big chunky Aphonopelma species that is blonde with a brown abdomen covered in reddish hairs. The colouration differs depending on locality hence different location being distinguished i.e. Flaggstaff Orange, New River etc. They are not commonly seen in Europe as they are not often bred and can take up to 10 years to mature from Spiderling, they do however live for 20+ years.
They are large stocky species that is considered the largest North American Aphonopelma and supposedly have a leg span up to 19cm. They are covered in short fluffy hair with long silky hair covering their legs. They are usually a gold or orange colour with pitch black femurs, little black feet and long red hairs on the abdomen.
This spider is a good choice for novice keepers and is a good alternative to the usual Chile Rose and have recently become very popular.