1.1 Psalmopoeus victorii
Darth Maul Spider (7cm)
Species Info:





Leg Span


A beautiful large new Psalmopoeus from Mexico entering into Europe for the first time in 2017.
Females are very distinctively colored, with orange and red hairs on the rear half of the tarantula, including the back legs.
Slings have that unique Psalmopoeus look but with a reddish “glow” around the carapace.
It get’s it name from Victor H. Jimenez Arcos, a Herpetologist who was the first person to see and collect the first specimin of this species,
As with other psalmopoeus spiderlings, whilst an arboreal set up should be provided, the spiderlings will usually nest or burrow at the foot of any cork bark in the enclosure and as such it’s a good idea to provide a slightly deeper substrate for them than you would do for avics.