Aphonopelma chalcodes
Desert Blonde (AF)
Species Info:





Leg Span


A nice big chunky Aphonopelma species that is blonde with a brown abdomen covered in reddish hairs. The colouration differs depending on locality, the Tucson locality has green looking femurs and brighter yellow on the carapace. They are not commonly seen in Europe as they are not often bred and can take up to 10 years to mature from Spiderling, they do however live for 20+ years.
Being a desert species they are very easy to care and have no delicate requirements and are as pullet proof as a Tarantula gets. They can be housed in simple terrestrial setup add something to hide under, a heat and a small bowl of water. They are slow moving and settle down quickly and though they make ideal pet spiders I reckon in a few years everyone will have one.